Practice Concepts

The key to helping any person is to be able to relate to them in a manner that is satisfying and gratifying. This is an enormous task for not only must you have some basic understanding of their worldview (their beliefs about themselves, of other people including what they believe other people believe about them, and their expectations for the future; you must also know thyself. People perceive what they expect to perceive: angry people expect to see offense, etc. Too often we supply the very fodder to assure people with problems in living that they are right to be angry, anxious, or sad. Use these concepts as a means of expanding your own thinking: develop a ‘beginner’s mind’. Nothing is quite as it seems – can you allow the process of change to develop?

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11 Universal Interventions

Cognitive Behavior Management provides ways to help people make informed decisions in regard to self, others and future prospects and provides the skills for doing that. There are three practical modes of intervention 1) Cognitive Rehabilitation, which includes restructuring and cognitive error correction, 2) Cognitive Skills Development, and development of a 3) Cognitive Culture. Into these three, all the techniques and procedures fit.

12 Enabling Change

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16 Chief Yellow Toe and the Wonderful Behavior Plan

In creating a behavior plan, it is not sufficient to simply construct appropriate goals and expect that the child will even attempt to accomplish them; even when the child expresses a desire to reach the goals. Even providing reinforcements may not be sufficient to overcome what might appear to be impulsive or willful behavior, but may be neither.

17 The Problems With Psychiatric

It should be clear that psychiatrists consistently use the term [psychiatric] inappropriately. The question is what is the purpose? Any reasonable reader should be able to sense the self-promotion that occurs in writing by psychiatrist. By attaching the psychiatric label to things, they try to indicate ownership, however inappropriately. My favorite is psychiatric rehabilitation. While I certainly agree that most psychiatrists need to be rehabilitated, I don’t think this was the intent.

19 Communicating

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20 Helpful Communication

Since human services provided to people with problems in living are contingent upon the sharing of information, it is surprising how little concern has been shown in regard to our words. If we intend to help people help themselves, it is imperative that we examine closely our words. We need to examine truly our own mental schema and evaluate how much we believe these terms. If thinking controls behavior and communication is a behavior, we must posit that the use of words has at least some bearing on our belief system.


Unless specifically noted all materials are written by Jerome R. Gardner. As you will see by the size of the library contents, the materials are substantial. Since most of the writing was developed as think papers and not for publication, there will inevitably be some areas without proper citation. If you come across any, please notify the site manager and it will be rectified. Other than that, readers may use all materials. While I would prefer recognition, it is not necessary.