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11 Culture Restructuring

CLINICAL PROMPT - To be used AFTER the protocol is understood. Cognitive Restructuring is a process of changing messages in the culture. There must be psychoeducation, e.g., an explanation of the concepts required to make the change. There must be a growing awareness...

11 Human Service Systems

If the human service system is really a system, what are its goals and outcome expectations and how are they measured? This examines some of the pitfalls of the traditional system of providing services to people with problems in living.

11 Perspective & Personality

…ambiguity is pervasive; but the conscious experience of ambiguity is quite rare. [Baar] The illusion to your left has eight different perspectives or ways of delineating relative positions. Some people with study will be able to see all eight perspective and others...

11 Universal Interventions

Cognitive Behavior Management provides ways to help people make informed decisions in regard to self, others and future prospects and provides the skills for doing that. There are three practical modes of intervention 1) Cognitive Rehabilitation, which includes restructuring and cognitive error correction, 2) Cognitive Skills Development, and development of a 3) Cognitive Culture. Into these three, all the techniques and procedures fit.

12 Elements of Cognitive Change

INTRODUCTION When a person has an experience, s/he interprets the experience based either upon an ever expanding range of utility [pleasure/pain], upon prior knowledge or based on analogy with prior knowledge. Over time, these interpretations accumulate until the...

12 Enabling Change

INTRODUCTION Meaning: No meaning exists in any experience. The individual gives meaning to the experience. Attribution: indicates the process of giving meaning. Because people must explain, it opens some interesting possibilities for influence. We attribute a cause to...

12 Getting Mobilized

The enclosed techniques and procedures were developed with materials from a workbook of cognitive behavior techniques titled “Thoughts & Feelings and written by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis, and Patrick Fanning. The workbook was published by New Harbinger...

12 School-wide Effective Behavioral Support

CLINICAL PROMPT - To be used AFTER the protocol is understood. School-wide effective behavioral supports may require a restructuring of the beliefs to implement a process of changing messages in the culture. There must be psychoeducation, e.g., an explanation of the...

12 Social Context

The school can and does influence the social sanctions that implicate our sociocultural behavior. Therefore it behooves us to begin to dissect those aspects of schools that enhance the ability of students not only to learn, but to become prosocial citizens.