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14 Testing Core Beliefs

The enclosed techniques and procedures were developed with materials from a workbook of cognitive behavior techniques titled “Thoughts & Feelings and written by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis, and Patrick Fanning. The workbook was published by New Harbinger...

15 Emotions

Anyone can become angry - that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy. Aristotle, The Nichomachean Ethics The question of emotions is one that is...

15 Enhancing Positive Behavior Supports

While fully supporting the construct of positive behavior systems and the corollary functional behavior assessment, the author demonstrates the continued failure of all child-serving systems to address the behavior issues of children whose distorted way of thinking interferes with competent social performance. In order to address this class of children, they suggest that positive behavior systems be enhanced to positive cognitive behavior systems, indicating the social learning roots and scientific step-by-step approaches continue, while a new area of assessment and consequent intervention becomes available.

15 Reactive Attachment Disorder

INTRODUCTION "Unattached children...have an uncanny ability to appear attractive, bright, loving . . . helpless, hopeless, lost . . . or promising, creative, and intelligent, as may suit their needs at the time. Therefore, strangers, helpful neighbors, even...

15 The Problem with ‘Problems’

Changing paradigms is not easy. But focusing on problems avoids focusing on solutions. The questions is ‘Who’s solutions shall we provide?’. LaZara has posed the question of problems from the perspective of business management. This article examines the implications for the helping professions administrators.

16 Chief Yellow Toe and the Wonderful Behavior Plan

In creating a behavior plan, it is not sufficient to simply construct appropriate goals and expect that the child will even attempt to accomplish them; even when the child expresses a desire to reach the goals. Even providing reinforcements may not be sufficient to overcome what might appear to be impulsive or willful behavior, but may be neither.

16 Choice & Reality

Assumptions of Rational Choice Theory Humans are purposive and goal oriented. Humans have sets of hierarchically ordered preferences, or utilities. In choosing lines of behavior, humans make rational calculations with respect to: the utility of alternative lines of...