Books & Writings

  • Cognitive Behavior ManagementSM Workbook This workbook is primarily developed for use by clinical staff [Cognitive Behavior Mentors] that are working with children in home, school and community. The workbook has two goals: 1) to place the service delivery within a context, and 2) to define the accepted strategies for working with children and their families.
  • Seeking Coherence | 12MB Set of 4 PDF Volumes An exploration of the development of systematic and interrelated governmental social policy regarding the delivery of human services to people with problems in living which is based on a consistent pattern of values and a congruous set of ideological principles which enable the advent of a learning system based on feedback regarding outcome.
  • The Cognitive PathThinking is a complex system, perhaps chaotic and controlled by strange attractors or epigenetic rules  which allow certain pattern formations, analogies and submodalities. This is an overview of the deep thinking about thought.
  • A Chataqua

Based on the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance written by Robert M. Pirsig, which everyone should read. A Chautauqua is an old time series of talks intended to edify and entertain, improve the mind and bring culture and enlightenment to the ears and thoughts of the hearer. Young boys with problems in living often sit around and ‘shoot the breeze’ about nothing. This is an opportunity for a staff worker familiar with the cognitive behavior managementSM processes and with a good relationship to focus the conversation while allowing the kids opportunities to ‘kibitz’, and see what they learn. The staff person is provided with an outline for the conversation and the kids can be given one to follow if it is thought to be helpful.

Chataqua: Faciliator Outline

The numbered paragraphs are the words from the book that may be read to the kids. The bold writing is to prompt the facilitator on some of the issues that may be discussed about the words from the book. This does not preclude the leader following trends of the kids’ discussion or adding their own thoughts coherent with the cognitive behavioral management philosophy.

Gumption: Student Outline – this includes only the numbered paragraphs.

It is sometime difficult to define what is a program, a protocol, a technique and/or a procedure, since they are nested like Slavic dolls. Technically, we would call an overall strategy for change a program that would include a series of differing protocols to change different issues. A protocol would be defined as a sequencing of specific techniques designed to meet specific identified change targets. Each technique might then include a series of procedures that need to be carried out in order to complete the technique. What happens in real life is that it depends!  As you deal with issues, the various components continue to be used, nestled within each other, but the perspective changes. Thus a technique might be viewed as the program or protocol to evoke change. From this perspective, the components listed below are subject to personal interpretation as to placement.

Other Recommended Reading

Allen, James “As A Man Thinketh”, Barns & Noble, 1992. Bandler, Richard “The Structure of Magic Vol 1”, Science & Behavior Grinder, John Books, Inc., 1975 Bandler, Richard “The Structure of Magic Vol 2”, A Book About Communication and Change, 1976 Bogdan & Taylor “The Sociology of Acceptance”, Social Policy, Fall 1987 Breggin, Peter R. “Psychotropic Drugs: Hazards to the Brain”, Springer Publishing Company, New York, 1983 Buchanan, Scott “So Reason Can Rule”, Ferar, Straus & Giroux, Inc., 1982 Bush, John M. “Options: A Cognitive Change Program” & Bilodeau, B. Prepared under and Interagency Agreement with the U.S. Navy and the National Institute of Corrections, U.S. Department of Justice. Drummand, Hugh, “Dr. D. is Mad as Hell! [Let’s Increase His Thorazine]” Mother Jones, December, 1979. “Power, Madness & Poverty”, Mother Jones, January, 1980 Frankl, Viktor E. “Man’s Search for Meaning”, Washington Square Press, New York, 1985. Fukuyama, Francis “The End of History and the Last Man”, The Free Press, New York 1992. Gallagher, Hugh Gregory, “The Relevance of the Nazi Euthanasia Program to Contemporary Social Dilemmas”, IDEAS, 1988. Goldstein, Arnold P. “The Prepare Curriculum: Teaching Prosocial Competencies”, Research Press, 1988. Goldstein, Howard “Social Work Practice: A Unitary Approach”, University of South Carolina Press, 1973. Goleman, Daniel “Emotional IQ”, Bartram Books, 1995 Harlow, Harry F. “Learning to Love, Jason Aronson, Inc., 1974 Hofstadter, Douglas “Metamagical Themas”, “The Mind’s Eye”, & “Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies”, Jones, Maxwell “Therapeutic Community”, Basic books, Inc., 1953. Kendall, Phillip C. “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Impulsive Children”, The Guilford Press, 1985. Kouyanagi, Chris “All Systems Failure: An Examination of the Results & Gaines, Sam of Neglecting the Needs of Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance”, National Mental Health Association and The Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health, 1993. Low, Abraham A. “Mental Health Through Will Training”, The Christopher Publishing House, 1950 May, Rollo “The Discovery of Being”, W.W.Norton & Company, New York, 1983. “Love & Will”, W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1969. McKnight, John “Regenerating Community”, Social Policy, Winter, 1987. Nelson, C. M. & “Integrating Services for Children and Pearson, C.A. Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders”, Council for Exceptional Children, 1991. Ozarin, Lucy D. “Moral Treatment and the Mental Hospital”, The American Journal of Psychiatry, May 1954. Pinker, Steven, “The Language Instinct”, Harper Perennial, 1995. Porter, Roy “A Social History of Madness – The World Through the Eyes of the Insane”, Weidenfield & Nicholson, New York, 1987. Rank, Otto “Truth & Reality”, Norton Library, 1978. Will Therapy, Norton Library, 1978. Rutherford, R.B. & “Management of Aggressive and Violent Behavior Nelson C.M. in Schools” Focus on Exceptional Children, Love Publishing Company, 1995. Seligman, Martin “Helplessness”, Freeman & Company, 1975 “The Optimistic Child”, Houghton Mifflin, 1995 Senge, Peter M. “The Fifth Discipline”, Doubleday/Currency, New York, 1990. Shure, Myrna “Raising A Thinking Child”, Henry Holt & Company, 1994 Slaikeu, Karl A. “Crisis Intervention: A Handbook for Practice and Research”, Allyn & Bacon, 1990. Suzuki “Zen Mind: Beginner’s Mind”, 1970. Szasz, Thomas “The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct”, New York, Harper & Row, 1974 The Meaning of Mind – Language, Morality, and Neuroscience, Praeger Publishers, 1996. Taylor, Stephen J., “Caught in the Continuum: A Critical Analysis of the Principle of the Least Restrictive Environment”, Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 1988. Turnbill, Colin, “The Mountain People”, Wegner, D.M. “Handbook of Mental Control”, Century Psychology Series, Prentice Hall, 1993. Wine, J.D & “Social Competence”, The Guilford Press, 1981. Smye, M.D. [Eds] Zukav, Gary “The Dancing Wu Li Masters”, William Morrow & Company, 1979


American Bar Association, “Criminal Justice Mental Health Standards”, 1989. Austin, D.M., “The Management of Human Resources in the Nonprofit Human Service Organization” , Presented San Francisco State University, 1987. Binner, R.L. “Needed for Mental Health Management: A new Measurement Paradigm”, Administration and Policy in Mental Health. B.S.H. “Joint Commission Launches Project to Monitor Quality”, Psychiatric News, September, 1987. Cowdry, Michael L., “Basic Law for the Allied Health Professions”, 1984. Doll, E.A., “Measurement of Social Competence”. Minneapolis: Educational Test Bureau, 1953. Donahue, John D., “The Privatization Decision”, Basic books, 1989. Eden, Dov, “Pygmalion in Management, Lexington books, 1980. Drucker, Peter “Managing the Public Service Institution”, People and Performance – The Best of Peter Drucker on Management, Chapter 16, Harper’s College press, 1977. Eccles, Robert G., “ The Performance Measurement Manifesto, The Harvard Business Review, January/February 1991. Fallows, James “The Case Against Credentialism”, The Atlantic Monthly, December 1985. Forrester, J.W., “Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems” Gardner, James “Challenging Tradition: Measuring Quality by Outcomes” , IMPACT, June 1993. Gardner, J.R., “In Search of a Consistent Psychosocial Rehabilitation Practice”, Paper presented to the World Health Organization Mental Health Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 1989. & “The Ethics & Responsibilities of the Not-for-Profit Manger”, Journal of voluntary Action Scholars, Volume 16, Number 4, October-December, 1987. George, Leonard “Alternative Realities” Hansmann, Henry “The Role of Nonprofit Enterprise, Yale Law Journal, 1980. Kepner-Tregoe “Decision Analysis: A Systematic Process of Making A Choice” LeBoeuf, Michael, “The Greatest Management Principle in the World”, G.P.Putnum’s Sons, 1985. Mishlove, Jeffery “The Roots of Consciousness” Senge, Peter M. “The Fifth Discipline”, Doubleday/Currency, New York, 1990. Smull, Michael W. “CSLA and Quality of Life: Balancing Inclusion, Choice, and Protection”, IMPACT, June 1993. Steinberg, Richard “the Market for Drug Abuse Treatment”, Prepared for the Substance Abuse Coverage Study of the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine, 1998. Steinberg, Richard “Nonprofit Organizations and the Market, Chapter 7, 1987. Tregoe, Benjamin B. “Top Management Strategy”, & Zimmerman, John W. Simon & Shuster, 1980 Waterman, Jr., R.H.,., “Structure is Not Organization”, Business Peters, T.J., & Phillips, J.R Horizons, June 1980.