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1. Theory – what is the basis for cognitive behavior management and why should I use it?

a. Major Concepts
01) Stimulus/response/response
02) Stimulus/(thought:emotion)/response/(thought:emotion)/response
03) Sensation/feelings are biological & emotions are biographical
04) Thought influences -> emotion influences -> behavior
05) Thought/Imagery = ‘Left’ Brain/”Right Brain
06) Beliefs – thought & value (plus/minus)
07) Schema = thematic contexts
08) Left Brain (logic) responses = awareness, attendance, analysis (formal & public), alternatives, adaptation
09) Right Brain (emotional) responses = imagery
10) Cognitive Process Correction
11) Cognitive Restructuring
12) Culture Restructuring
13) Invalidating messages
14) Relationships

b. Evidence based

c. Short term

d. Usable at multiple levels [classroom aides, teachers, counselors, etc.]

e. Compatible with behavioral strategies

f. Compatible with IRP development – goal statements & measurable outcomes-h. relationships

2. Assessment – How do I proceed and what do I look for?

a. Follows the same pattern as FBA, but has an additional focus of observation – verbal and nonverbal communication and messages

b. Additional surveys
1) expectancy
2) attribution
3) irrational beliefs
4) personal constructs
5) sociometry

c. Vision statements – Goals not Needs

3. Recommendations – Now that I know how the child/family/school interact in maladaptive ways, what should I do about it?

a. Consultation
1) provide protocols, techniques and procedures to classroom aides, teachers and guidance counselors.
2) provide
• Universal preventive interventions target the general population that has not been identified on the basis of individual risk.
• Selective interventions target individuals or a subgroups (based on biological or social risk factors) whose risk of developing psychological disorders are significantly higher than average.
• Indicated preventive interventions target individuals who are identified as having prodromal signs or symptoms or biological markers related to psychological disorders, but who do not yet meet diagnostic criteria.

b. Resource: Provide information and/or training to regular school personnel on specific methods of for both prevention and intervention.

c. Direct counseling
1) cognitive process [error] correction
2) cognitive restructuring

Goal Statements – What are the outcome expectations of the child/family/school and how can I make them compatible and measurable?
1) indicators of social competence
2) indicators of adult [parent/teacher] expectations
3) indicators of the relationships between the various microsystems (e.g., the family-school connection or between the parents and the child’s peer group and peers’ families). The absence of mesosystem links may also be an important risk factor in development.
4) well formed outcome
a) Stated in the positive
b) Appropriately specific and contextualized
c) Verifiable (in sensory experience)
d) Initiated and maintained by the subject
e) Secondary gain taken care of
f) “Ecological”