Training Trainers

Training Trainers: Growth and development as Trainer of Cognitive Behavior Management is never ending process. Several factors contribute to this state of affairs:

  • CBM is a “cutting edge” technology; meaning that it is still developing and growing
  • The theoretical underpinnings are also growing and developing as epitomized by the brain plasticity findings which provide a biological explanation for why cognitive interventions work.
  • CBM is counter cultural in that the ‘medical model’ approach is a worldwide failure, but well established. As a result, many people who work in the field will seek to continue the culture of failure. Many clients of the human welfare [educational, clinical, protective and correctional] services are culture as well – they have learned helplessness.

Because of these factors, we suggest that you work backwards from the Instructional Guide for training trainers and start with a sixty-hour training as the beginning level of expertise. This assumes, of course, that you have absorbed a level of expertise yourself, to be able to provide the training. Your expertise should not be limited to what you find in this website, built should include your own expansion of the technology, for it is, after all, cutting edge. Just make sure that any enhancements you make meet the standard of the client as the agent of change and the helper as an enabler in that process.

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Unless specifically noted all materials are written by Jerome R. Gardner. As you will see by the size of the library contents, the materials are substantial. Since most of the writing was developed as think papers and not for publication, there will inevitably be some areas without proper citation. If you come across any, please notify the site manager and it will be rectified. Other than that, readers may use all materials. While I would prefer recognition, it is not necessary.