Theory of Meaning

Theory of Meaning How do people create meaning? There is no meaning without conscious human beings. We create meaning for ourselves in interactive relationships with other human beings. The trainer will present this process and discuss the implications of each aspect...

Theory of Change

Theory of Change People will only change when their thinking changes. One cannot behave differently than how they think, unless they are being deceitful, pretending or acting (and then they know they are doing so). Actually the belief system is in a somewhat constant...

The Rules of Engagement

The Rules of Engagement Engage: From a vulgar Latin noun meaning ‘pledge’. Bind by contract or promise; pledge oneself. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. As we begin to define the principles and values upon which a human services system might operate,...


Trust A ‘better person’ has to be one whose emotions are in some sense better. For emotions are our value feelings – our direct responses to the recognition of importance. And personal moral quality cannot be separated from the question of what is held to...


Messages Charles S. Peirce, founder of the philosophy known as pragmatism, believed that the ‘meaning’ of a message is the behavior it induces…. This, of course is not totally true, the behavior may not reflect the message as intended, but it does reflect the...