01 Quick Concepts of Cognitive Behavior Management

Birds fly because they believe they can; one moment of doubt and they would plummet to the earth. Unknown The centipede was happy quite Until the toad, in fun, Said, pray, which leg moves after which? This raised her doubts to such a pitch She fell distracted in the...

02 The Language of Change

The Language of Change – Paul Watzlawick, 1978 One can free children from warts by ‘purchasing’ them. In practice this is achieved by giving the child a coin for, and thus laying claim to, his wart. As a rule the child then asks – amused or bewildered –...

03 Biological Theory Underpinning

A Biological Theory To Underpin Cognitive Behavior Management: There are fundamental laws about complex systems, but they are new kinds of laws. They are laws of structure and organization and scale, and they simply vanish when you focus on the individual constituents...

04 Percepts & Concepts

“One of the deepest problems in cognitive science is that of understanding how people make sense of the vast amount of raw data constantly bombarding them from the environment” [Hofstadter, 1995]. How do perceptions occur and formulate conceptions? The lowest...

05 Belief Systems

What people believe to be true is that which is coherent to their already established cache of truisms. This cache is developed over time and is significantly shaped by the significant people in the environment. Its development is monitored by the rigor with which...