06 Communication

Since human services provided to people with problems in living are contingent upon the sharing of information, it is surprising how little concern has been shown in regard to our words. If we intend to help people help themselves, it is imperative that we examine closely our words. It is difficult to change a language. But there is a subtle degree of truth to our language as well. We need to examine truly our own mental schema and evaluate how much we believe these terms. If thinking controls behavior and communication is a behavior, we must posit that the use of words has at least some bearing on our belief system.

07 Culture

The scientific study of human social life must concern itself with two different kinds of phenomena. On one hand, there are the thoughts and feelings that humans experience within their minds; on the other, there are the activities that constitute the human behavior...

08 Restructuring Judgement

Jeffrey Mishlove in The Roots of Consciousness describes an overview of cognitive science in psychology and provides an outline for consideration of how the intervention of cognitive restructuring works. Psychological research, he tells us, has identified numerous...

42 Psychological First Aid

This material is generally excerpted from Salikeu’s book – Crisis Intervention -1990 with additional commentary from Haldane’s book – Emotional First Aid – 1988. Crisis Intervention – What to do until professional help arrives. This...

43 Possible Selves

INTRODUCTION In this technique we examine the shape and development of the possible selves of adolescents 13 to 16 years of age. More than any other time in life, adolescence is the stage of possibility and of the promises as well as the worries that attend this...