31 Cross Mapping Submodalities

INTRODUCTION NeuroLinguistic Programming, introduced by Richard Bandler, an information specialist, and John Grinder, a linguist, starts with the premise that all subjective experience is ultimately reducible to what is called ‘sensory data’ plus language. When a...

30 Anchoring

INTRODUCTION Anchors developed as a product of Pavlov’s concept of stimulus response. Anchors define the triggers for states and behavior. You can learn how to establish triggers for selected responses that are desired both in yourself and others. In clinical...

29 Fast Phobia Technique

Clinical Prompt Step 1: Establish Rapport with the client in order to gather information. Step 2: Evolve the Client from his/her present state to their desired state. Step 3: Integrate the desired state of experience into the client’s ongoing behavior with Future...

28 Traumatic Incident Reduction

Clinical Prompt Assessment Criteria Client has identified a specific traumatic event period. Client is seeking desensitization. Client understands that the traumatic event prevented completion of something and relief evolves from successful completion, insight, and...

25 Testing Assumptions

The enclosed techniques and procedures were developed with materials from the book “Change Your Mind, Change Your Life” [previously published as “Prisoners of Belief”] written by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning and published by MJF books, New York, 1991. Clinical...

27 Motivation & Goal Setting

Clinical Prompt The technique of Goal Setting is a cognitive restructuring process, which is built upon the following principles: create the future [self-fulfilling prophecies] reframing [negative to positive] present time perspective cognitive errors [shoulds]...