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56 Cognitive Psychology – A Synopsis


• Cognition drives behavior
• Cognitive states can be modified
• Modified cognitive states modify behavior
• Behavior is reinforced by the ecosystem
• The individual and the environment are interactively influential
• The only behavior an individual person can control is his or her own

58 Initial Inquiries

The cognitive issues of both the target child and the target child managers should be identified. Additionally, the assessor needs to specifically distinguish between trait-cognitions – relatively stable, generalized beliefs about self, others and future prospects – and state-cognitions momentary beliefs about future performance in specific situations. Finally, the assessor might want to consider the emotional context of significant learning experiences.

61 Values

Values are held at three levels: as ideals which may never be reached but are what is what we hope for; as goals which we will work towards with the expectation that some day we will get there, and as commitments which means that every person is working on these values NOW! Human service staff people often do not hold values as commitments even though they are held as commitments by organizations. This is sometimes due to the vague manner in which they are articulated.

62 Labeling – What to Call a Child

Until recently, programs to train teachers have not moved in an evolutionary process. Training of teachers has progressed in most content areas but has been woefully derelict in the social and affective areas. To a large degree, this has been due to the inability of one set of disciplines (namely, psychology and psychiatry) to communicate effectively, in practical terms, an understanding of disturbed behavior to the related discipline of pedagogy.