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05 Solutions Model

This paper is generally adapted from material from the Cancer Prevention Research Center – A research organization dedicated to helping people change their behavior for living longer, healthier lives. It was developed as a discussion paper to determine the efficacy of developing a substance abused program for middle and high school students apprehended using illegal substances.

05 Taking Charge of Myself

A competency enhancement group run by Reach First edition - January 2001 CCIU - Assessment & Clinical Services This outline is adapted from Chapter 5, Anger Control Groups by Matthew McKay, PhD. Which appears in the book Focal Group Psychotherapy, Edited by...

05 Worry Control

Clinical Prompt Step 1 Relaxation [ See Technique #04] Daily full progressive muscle relaxation procedure Five [05] times daily cue-controlled relaxation routine Step 2 Risk Assessment Procedure estimating probability predicting outcome Step 3 Worry Exposure Procedure...

06 Communication

Since human services provided to people with problems in living are contingent upon the sharing of information, it is surprising how little concern has been shown in regard to our words. If we intend to help people help themselves, it is imperative that we examine closely our words. It is difficult to change a language. But there is a subtle degree of truth to our language as well. We need to examine truly our own mental schema and evaluate how much we believe these terms. If thinking controls behavior and communication is a behavior, we must posit that the use of words has at least some bearing on our belief system.

06 Cultural Restructuring: A Transformation

This is a prevention protocol. Greenberg, et al. have provided a report that identifies critical issues and themes in prevention research with school-age children and families through review and summary of the current state of knowledge on the effectiveness of preventive interventions intended to reduce the risk or effects of psychological disorders in school-age children. The beginning section is a liberal adaptation of the initial section of that report and will provide the basis for the discussion of Culture Restructuring.

06 Planning

Planning is essentially a process of collecting information which will enable one to make decision about some future point or goal. When one talks about planning in the context of human services one needs to collect a great deal of information from diverse fields; reach consensus about the relevance of that information to groups and individuals; and make decisions about various components of systems regarding the best possible strategies and tactics to meet an agreed upon mission.

06 Repertory Grid Technique

The Repertory Grid is an instrument, based on Personal construct Theory, designed to capture the dimensions and structure of personal meaning. Its aim is to describe the ways in which people give meaning to their experiences in their own terms. It is a structured interview designed to make explicit those constructs with which persons organize their world. The way in which we get to know and interpret our environment, our understanding of ourselves and others is guided by an implicit and self created theory of meaning which is the result of conclusions drawn from our experiences. The repertory grid is a method used to explore the structure and content of these implicit theories (personal meanings) through which we perceive and act in our day-to-day existence.