03 Cognitive Constructionism

Educators, researchers and policymakers have been discussing constructivism and a constructivist approach to learning [and therefore teaching]. During the past few years, this orientation has become de rigueur in educational circles.

04 Anxiety

Everyone knows what it is like to feel anxious. Anxiety arouses you to action, It gears you up to face threatening situations. The “butterflies” focus you for better response. Anxiety in children is normal at specific times in development. Healthy youngsters may show intense distress [anxiety] at time of separation from their parents. Young children may have short-lived fears such as fear of the dark, thunder, animals or strangers. Yet when anxiety becomes severe either exaggerated or chronic in duration, it can disrupt daily life and the ability to cope.

05 Aetiology

Assignment of a cause; philosophy of causation. If we become who we are through learning, it is fair to ask, how such learning takes place and to identify the origins for positive social adjustment. But before outlining personal growth and development phases, it is important to disclaim any single factor or system of learning through social experience.

07 The Cognitive Path

Thinking is a complex system, perhaps chaotic and controlled by strange attractors or epigenetic rules which allow certain pattern formations, analogies and submodalities. This is an overview of the deep thinking about thought.