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01 Schools & Behavior Health Rehabilitation Services

In Pennsylvania the Office of Medical Assistance [Medicaid] has developed the use of managed care organizations in an attempt to save money. This article explores suggestions as to how to bring a very fragmented system of child services together in creative ways to enable children with problems in living to improve social performance. Behavioral health is the current metaphor for ‘mental illness’ a metaphor for problems in living that makes the person appear to be bizarre.

02 Altering Limited Thinking Patterns

The enclosed techniques and procedures were developed with materials from a workbook of cognitive behavior techniques titled ‘Thoughts & Feelings’ and written by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick Fanning. The workbook was published by New Harbinger...

02 Developing A Suicide Management Plan in Schools

The school may be the most logical place for a comprehensive suicide intervention effort because it is the common element that all communities share, regardless of their size, and all children must attend. Every state has laws that mandate school attendance and, it is fair to say that, with the exception of the home, children spend more time in schools than any other place.

02 Learning Interdependence

Dependency affects the lives of many people. Labeled as co-dependence, it can be defined as “a specific condition that is characterized by preoccupation and extreme dependence (emotionally, socially, and sometimes physically) on a person or object. Eventually, this dependence on another person becomes a condition that affects the person in all other relationships.” Co-dependency hinders marriages, friendships and healthy family functioning. It erodes trust and the ability to have honest and open communication. It blunts a person’s feelings and impedes his/her judgment about reality.

02 School Refusal

School refusal behavior is a common and highly vexing problem for educators and clinicians. Problematic absenteeism from school has been defined as truancy or school phobia depending on the context or perspective of the observer. But these are dubious labels because they do not represent the recursive experiences that children and their families have when not going to school. This material is a compilation of four protocols to address each of the defined maintaining variables of school refusal.