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04 Relaxation

The enclosed technique and procedures were developed with materials from a workbook of cognitive behavior techniques titled ‘Thoughts & Feelings’ and written by Matthew McKay, Martha Davis and Patrick Fanning. The workbook was published by New Harbinger...

04 Standing Up For Me

If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am for myself alone, what am I? And if not now, when? Hillel A competency enhancement group run by Reach First edition - January 2000 CCIU - Assessment & Clinical Services This outline is developed using...

04 The Autism Network

This document was created by a committee of participants [Names are included at the end of the document] representing both the government administration [County and State] and the provider organizations over seven meetings [149.5 person/hours] from July to October of 1998. The result was compiled by Mr. Gardner and proposed to County Officials. Many of the recommendations, but not all were implemented.


Self Control Introduction We are the sum total of what we think. One cannot act different than the way they think [unless, of course they are ‘acting’!]. Therefore, change can only occur when the person thinks differently. Interventions that help people think about...

05 Aetiology

Assignment of a cause; philosophy of causation. If we become who we are through learning, it is fair to ask, how such learning takes place and to identify the origins for positive social adjustment. But before outlining personal growth and development phases, it is important to disclaim any single factor or system of learning through social experience.

05 Autism – A Cross System Plan

Modifying a system of care is a process of such exquisite complexity that, often, when it occurs, we do not seem to understand what made it happen. We typically experience great difficulty both in identifying the precise variables that led to the change and in explaining the ways in which those variables interacted.

05 Belief Systems

What people believe to be true is that which is coherent to their already established cache of truisms. This cache is developed over time and is significantly shaped by the significant people in the environment. Its development is monitored by the rigor with which...

05 Community Assessment – Support Team

Reducing the dangerous tendency of assessment will require a shift from power-based structures and practices to relationship-based structures and practice; which itself is supportive of a change from a deficit model, in which the beneficent outside power rescues an individual from weaknesses, to a capacity building model, in which individuals rescue themselves based on their own strengths and relationships in the community.

05 Performance Management

Human service managers today are intrigued by outcomes. It is a fad that is given a great deal of “lip service” but often without merit. The reason for this is that we so often measure outcomes without a standard. “I want to do what’s best for kids.” What a wonderful thought. Shouldn’t we all be this caring? However, people who use this as a mantra often believe that ‘what is best for kids is’ something that people who believe in social learning theory would feel is very negative for kids. Until we decide what is best for kids, we have no means of measuring outcome nor making decisions about management performance.